Intelligent Security

Anomaly Detection

AI algorithms in WallitIQ can establish baselines for normal user behavior and transaction patterns. By continuously monitoring wallet activity, the AI can detect anomalies in real-time that may indicate a security threat, such as:

  • Suspicious login attempts

  • Unauthorized access from unfamiliar devices

  • Unusual transaction volumes or destinations

Behavioral Analysis

WallitIQ builds a behavioral profile for each user by analyzing their transaction history and patterns. Sudden changes in behavior, such as rapid asset movement or unusual transaction volumes, can trigger alerts for further investigation. This behavioral analysis helps in identifying potential fraud before it occurs, allowing for proactive measures to be taken.

Biometric Authentication

Biometric authentication adds an additional layer of security to WallitIQ, by leveraging unique biological traits for identity verification. Unlike traditional authentication methods such as passwords or PINs, which can be forgotten, stolen, or compromised, biometric authentication in WallitIQ uses characteristics like fingerprints and facial recognition that are inherently tied to the user. This makes it an ideal solution for securing access to a cryptocurrency wallet where security and convenience are paramount.

In WallitIQ, biometric authentication works seamlessly with the wallet’s existing security infrastructure. When a user sets up their wallet, they can choose to enable biometric authentication as an additional safeguard. Once enabled, accessing the wallet requires the user to provide their biometric data—such as scanning their fingerprint or using facial recognition.

A critical component of this system is liveness detection, which ensures that the biometric data provided is from a live person rather than a fake representation, such as a photo or a video. By analyzing subtle movements and skin texture, WallitIQ’s biometric system can accurately determine whether the biometric data is genuine, effectively preventing spoofing attacks.

Escrow Connect (AI-Einstein)

Escrow-Connect, powered by AI-Einstein, is a groundbreaking security feature designed to provide unparalleled protection for your assets when using WallitIQ. This advanced system acts as a vigilant intermediary, ensuring that every connection between your wallet and external dApps or Web 3.0 websites is secure and trustworthy.

When a user attempts to connect their wallet to a dApp or any other Web 3.0 site, Escrow-Connect, guided by AI-Einstein, steps in to intercept the connection. Instead of allowing a direct link between the user’s wallet and the external site, the connection is first routed through the Escrow-Connect system. This additional layer is crucial for maintaining security and control over your assets.

Once the connection is established, AI-Einstein performs an in-depth security analysis, scanning the website for vulnerabilities, phishing attempts, and any indicators of malicious activity. AI-Einstein’s ability to adapt and learn from emerging threats ensures that even the most sophisticated attacks are detected and neutralized. Only after the website passes this rigorous AI-driven security check does Escrow-Connect allow the connection to the user’s main wallet, guaranteeing that users interact only with trusted and verified sites.

With AI-Einstein at the core of Escrow-Connect, WallitIQ introduces a new standard of security in the crypto space. This next-level feature provides users with unparalleled protection and peace of mind, enabling them to confidently engage with the broader crypto ecosystem knowing that their assets are safeguarded by cutting-edge AI technology.

Advanced AES & ECC Encryption

WallitIQ combines two cutting-edge encryption technologies, Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) and Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), to deliver unparalleled security for its users. Together, these encryption methods ensure that both your private keys and transactions are protected, making WallitIQ a highly secure yet user-friendly decentralized wallet.

☑️ AES Encryption: Protecting Your Data

Advanced AES Encryption uses a symmetric key algorithm to protect the private keys stored on a user’s device. AES works by converting plaintext data into ciphertext using a secret key, ensuring that even if the data is intercepted or accessed by unauthorized parties, it cannot be read without the key.

For WallitIQ, this means that all private keys are encrypted and stored securely on the user's device, protecting against unauthorized access. AES encryption is known for its speed and efficiency, which allows WallitIQ to maintain high security without compromising performance.

The mathematical operations behind AES involve several key steps: substitution, permutation, and mixing. AES can operate with key sizes of 128, 192, or 256 bits. The encryption process consists of multiple rounds of operations, with the number of rounds depending on the key size (10 rounds for 128-bit keys, 12 for 192-bit, and 14 for 256-bit).

Computation Steps in AES Encryption:

Step 1: SubBytes (Substitution) Transformation: AES uses a non-linear substitution table (S-box) to replace each byte in the block. The S-box is derived from the multiplicative inverse over a finite field GF(2^8) combined with an affine transformation.

If a byte in the state is denoted as b, then the substitution is:

a byte in the state is denoted as b, then the substitution is:

where “S” is the substitution function.

Step 2: ShiftRows (Permutation) Transformation: The rows of the state matrix are shifted cyclically. The first row is unchanged, the second row is shifted by one byte, the third row by two bytes, and the fourth row by three bytes.

Step 3: MixColumns (Mixing) Transformation:

This step involves multiplying each column of the state matrix by a fixed polynomial c(x) modulo x^4 + 1. The matrix multiplication is performed in the finite field GF(2^8):

where the fixed matrix used in AES is:

Step 4: AddRoundKey (Key Addition): In this step, the state is XORed with a round key derived from the original encryption key. The round key is generated using the AES key schedule.

AES Encryption Formula:

Given the plaintext block P and a secret key K, the AES encryption formula can be simplified as:

where C is the ciphertext.

☑️ ECC Encryption: Securing Your Transactions

Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC), on the other hand, is an asymmetric encryption technique that generates public and private key pairs. ECC’s strength lies in its ability to provide high levels of security with smaller key sizes, making it particularly suitable for mobile devices and applications where computational resources are limited. In WallitIQ, ECC is used to secure transactions by signing them with the user’s private key. The corresponding public key can be used by others to verify the authenticity of the transaction without compromising the private key itself. This ensures that all transactions processed through WallitIQ are secure and resistant to tampering or forgery.

ECC is based on the equation of an elliptic curve:

where a and b are constants, and p is a prime number.

Key Operations in ECC:

Step 1: Key Generation:

Private Key (d) is a randomly selected integer within the range [1, n-1], where n is the order of the curve. Public Key (Q) is calculated as:

where G is a predefined base point on the elliptic curve, and d is the private key.

Step 2: Point Addition: To add two points P(x_1, y_1) and Q(x_2, y_2) on the curve:

The resulting point R(x_3, y_3) is the sum P + Q.

Step 3: Scalar Multiplication- It involves multiplying a point P on the elliptic curve by a scalar integer k to get another point on the curve:

This operation is fundamental in ECC for both key generation and encryption.

ECC Encryption and Decryption:

Step 1: Encryption:A plaintext message M is mapped to a point Pm on the elliptic curve. Given the recipient's public key Q, the ciphertext is:

Step 2: Decryption: The recipient, who possesses the private key d, computes:

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